About Hocosa of Switzerland

HOCOSA of Switzerland
The history of the brands Hocosa and Sawaco (mother company of Hocosa) dates back to 1886. Since its very beginning, the company was associated with the finest Swiss textile industry, with a specific focus on underwear. HOCOSA is proud that this history continues 150 years later and looks to the future with new ideas, as well as strong roots.
HOCOSA's goal is to offer products that are made from the best possible material, BIO, created without the use of chemicals or synthetics. Their manufacturing processes respect nature and the environment.
HOCOSA products do not undergo any chemical or synthesis treatment. They select their raw materials in full respect for nature and the environment. As an example, their wool is obtained only by manual sheep shearing. No mulesing is permitted.
The value of organic certifications within the textile industry is linked to the difficulty imposed by achieving the standards which are required to earn them. GOTS-certification - Global Organic Textile Standard - deserves its fame for being among the most reliable and sought-after certifications. Not only does it require fulfillment of strict, sustainable environmental standards, but also ethical work standards for those involved in the entire process of achieving the final product. You might also see KbT-certification, which is the German abbreviation for "certified animal husbandry". KbA is used for agricultural products, like cotton.
HOCOSA is proud to have carried this certification for decades. The products are manufactured in Lugano, Switzerland.